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Sorting-Grading-Packaging line for Oranges
Κλίκ για μεγέθυνση
Sorting-Grading-Packaging line for OrangesSorting-Grading-Packaging line for Oranges
Kапацитет: 30 packages per minute
Kлијент: Ιardanos.
Година Завршетак: 2009

Processing line for oranges with capacity 30 packages per minute.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges.

The line consists of:

  • In feed elevator.
  • Weighing maschine:Τhe machine is suitable for weighing from 0,5 kg to 30 kg for products such as oranges - onion - potatoes.There are 2 models. The 2009 and the 2012 (depended on the capacity).It can reach up to 60 packages per minute, it is constructed by vibrated channels.By that way, the fruit enter and are weighed at the heads.Air consumption 200 litres in 7 watt.Power consumption:1,4 κw .


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