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Razvrstavanje-Grading-Dimenzioniranje-Razvrstavanje pakiranje linija za agrume


Sorting-Grading-Packaging line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 3-4 t/per hour
Godina gradnje: 2017
Processing line for oranges with capacity 3/4 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The line...
Sorting-Grading-Packaging line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 10 t/per hour
Godina gradnje: 2017
Processing line for oranges with capacity 10 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The...
Grading line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 2-3 t/per hour
Godina gradnje: 2016
Processing line for oranges with capacity 2/3 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The line...
Sorting and Grading line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 10 t/per hour
Godina gradnje: 2016
Processing line for oranges with capacity 10 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The...
Sorting and Grading line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 10 t/per hour
Godina gradnje: 2013
Processing line for oranges with capacity 10 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The...
Sorting-Grading-Packaging line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 3-4 t/per hour
Godina gradnje: 2013
Processing line for oranges with capacity 3/4 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The line...
Sorting-Grading-Packaging line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 7-8 t/per hour
Godina gradnje: 2012
Processing line for oranges with capacity 7/8 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The line...
Sorting and Grading line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 15 t/per hour
Klijent: Association Ipirou Artas
Godina gradnje: 2011
Processing line for oranges with capacity 15 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The...
Sorting-Grading-Packaging line for Oranges
Kapacitet: 30 packages per minute
Klijent: Ιardanos.
Godina gradnje: 2009
Processing line for oranges with capacity 30 packages per minute.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the oranges. The line...

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Lappa Achaias - 35 km New National Road Patras - Pyrgos

Τelephone: +30 26930 31828

Fax: +30 26930 31448


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