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Сортирање-Правило-Димензионисање-Класификација линије за паковање за парадајза

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Processing,sorting,grading and packaging lines for Tomatoes
Kапацитет: 3-4 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2020
Processing line for tomatoes with capacity 3/4 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the tomatoes. The line...
Sorting and Grading line for Tomatoes
Kапацитет: 2-3 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2018
Processing line for tomatoes with capacity 2/3 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the tomatoes. The line...
Grading Line for Tomatoes
Kапацитет: 2-3 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2016
Processing line for tomatoes with capacity 2/3 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the tomatoes. The line...
Sorting and Grading Line for Toamtoes
Kапацитет: 3-4 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2016
Processing line for tomatoes with capacity 3/4 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the tomatoes. The line...
Sorting - Sizing and Grading Line for Toamtoes
Kапацитет: 6-7 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2016
Processing line for tomatoes with capacity 6/7 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the tomatoes. The line...
Sorting - Sizing and Grading Line for Toamtoes
Kапацитет: 3-4 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2015
Processing line for tomatoes with capacity 3/4 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the tomatoes. The line...
Kапацитет: 5-6 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2013
Електронски ассортер са 2 линије где можете видети пражњење воћа са системом   четке у покрету. На излазне траке,  постављене су воћне футроле...
Processing-Sorting-Grading-Sizing and Packaging Line for Tomatoes
Kапацитет: 5-6 t/per hour
Година Завршетак: 2012
Processing line for tomatoes with capacity 5/6 t per hour.The line is specialy designed for the proper processing of the tomatoes. The line...

Contact us

Lappa Achaias - 35 km New National Road Patras - Pyrgos

Τelephone: +30 26930 31828

Fax: +30 26930 31448


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